Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Marlene Van Niekerk on self-translation

In a recent interview with The White Review Afrikaans writer Marlene Van Niekerk (*1954) reflects upon her experience of translating her own poems vs. translating poems by Seamus Heaney into Afrikaans:
In translating my own poems, I sometimes take liberties and change things depending on what works out better. I just try to get the spirit and the texture of the thing. With Heaney there is always also the architecture to try and fathom – and then to scale.
To read the complete interview, please click here.

[CFP] Self-translation in Children's and young adult books

Call for papers: Conference: Self-translation in Children's and young adult books Padua, 13-14 February 2025 Self-translation has only r...